Saturday, August 11, 2007

less than 60hrs till takeoff

So some people know about this exciting journey that I am about to take part on but lots of people don't know anything about it. Here it goes; as a graduation present I was invited to fly out to the south pacific and visit my uncle and some of my cousins. This is definitely an opportunity that very few people may ever have in their life. So instead of going to college in the fall, I decided to take a semester off and go to Micronesia. As for the trip I leave in three days on August 14th. It's hard to believe that this trip is actually happening, the idea was brought up months ago and in a few days its actually happening. First stop is Huston, then to Guam for three days. Hopefully I can post while I am in Guam and let you know about life there. I guess its time to pack. Enjoy!


  1. Good job, Wren! I look forward to reading all about your trip and seeing lots of your wonderful photographs.

  2. Hey Water Buffalo...have an amazing time and enjoy every minute of it. I'll miss you and I cant wait to see you when you get back! October 12th cant get here as soon as I would like it to!

  3. Have a good flight. Make the most of your time; don't overlook anything.


  4. What? No grits or egg burritos?

  5. I'd like to see a picture of one of those chickens running in the city street.
