Friday, July 27, 2012

When your dog runs away....

sunrise in NW Minnesota 
In Saskatch-ewan there are a lot of prairies which go for as far as you can see and the people here say that when your dog runs away you can see it running for six days. I am couch surfing tonight for the first time, it is a couch surfing paradise here tonight. The four roommates all met on Couch Surfing, Manitoba, British Columbia, Spain and Greece. There are also two other couch surfers staying tonight, France and Belgium and I, the American. Actually, the fist American couch surfer to ever stay here at this house. Sometimes its like playing a real life game of telephone with all of the different accents going on.
So I had spent two nights in Minneapolis, the second night, could not sleep. Was tossing and turning around in the idea of driving north. So at three thirty or so when I rolled over yet again and looked at the clock I thought to my self, why am I trying to force myself to sleep. I do not have to sleep or stay here or wait for anything so why not. . . GO. So I got out of bed, packed my bag, got in the car and left.    Leaving just before 4am is the best way to beat rush hour traffic and the rush hour traffic in the next city two hours away. Listened to some great music on the Current, which is a music station provided by Minneapolis public radio and kept on driving. The corn and soy fields finally subsided a little bit. I passed by a small section of sunflower farming. When I say a small section I mean maybe a mile of it so millions of flowers a beautiful sight. I also passed through wheat and canola fields which were all quite beautiful with the golden yellow flowers and the way it blew around in the wind. I could not help my self from stopping and taking a ton of pictures while driving yesterday. Too much beautiful scenery. 
Saskatchewan field and sky
Cinema 6. Now playing the Dark Night

I got up to the US - Canada border and stopped at the post office mailed some stuff and crossed on over without a problem. I was curious if there were going to be problems, I thought there might. I was crossing over in a town called Portal. I really though this was some kind of hoax. Was I either a) going to end up in Canada b) travel through to another time c) find myself in another country d) find myself in a fictional place The village of Bree, Hogsmeade or Tatooine. Luckily I just ended up in Canada. I saw a massive oil sands operation upon arriving and happened to put all my credit cards on lock when I first tried to use them. Well I made it off to Regina where I am now. Off to Edmonton right about. NOW!
Leaning red Barn, North Dakota

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